Using Exports

There are 2 export options available in Eclipse:

All exports are produced as a CSV (comma separated values) file to provide the data in a structured format. These files can easily be opened with a program like Excel.

Activity Export

When you are on the Activity Road to Success screen, the Export button is located in the top right corner. It is an icon of a box with an arrow, as seen below:

The Activity Export will export one month of data. This period cannot be changed. The export will produce a line for each workout in this month, with details on all the important breakups such as heart rate zones and pace.

Historical Activity Exports

For historical exports, you can go back a maximum of 6 months. Just swipe across the road graph to select a historical date before you tap the Export button, this is the point that will used as the end date. So if I swiped across the road to a day a couple months ago, the export will use one months data from this point.

Workout Heart Rate Export

Find and drill into the workout you wish to run an export for. When you are in the Workouts Detail screen, the Export button is located in the top right corner. It is an icon of a box with an arrow, as seen below:

This export will provide a detailed view of the Workout heart rate for each bpm measure, along with a breakup for each heart rate zone. It is only for one recorded workout at a time.