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Popular & Known Issues

Missing All My Data?

If you find no data at all for activity, recovery or readiness being loaded, the first thing to try is to tap the middle of the Eclipse animation on the home page. This will do a manual refresh of data.

If still no data has loaded, this may be related to health permissions. Health permissions are asked for when you install the Eclipse app, but sometimes iOS updates and restores can fiddle with things without you knowing about it.ย 

Follow all the steps below in this exact order, especially steps 2 and 3 as we want to restart any background services running:

1. Go into the iPhone Settings app on your iPhone. Choose Privacy, Health. Press Eclipse and then press all categories off.

2. Power the iPhone off and on as per this link.ย  (i.e. Shut the iPhone down completely so that it restarts with theย  on screen).

3. Power the Watch off and on as per this link.

4. Now in iPhone Settings, Privacy, Health, Eclipse press all categories on. Make sure that all the switches are turned on for read and write.

5. Now go into Eclipse iPhone app and data should show. Tap the Eclipse icon on the home page to reload if required.

Missing Only Some Data?

You have some data showing but other parts have none? For example, you have activity data, but you don't have recovery or readiness data (or another combination).ย 

Depending on which data is missing, refer to the appropriate section below for more help. For example, if missing Recovery data than refer to 'Recovery Questions' section below which will have more detailed steps to help.

Activity Questions

What is the Activity Road?

The Activity Road to Success is the optimal zone to be in for your activity. It guides you to keep your Eclipse Activity in balance.ย 

Learn all about it and more on the Activity page here, or watch the video below to understand more:

What is the Today's Activity Graph?

The Today's Activity graph lets you compare how you are tracking today compared to your average, along with an optional goal. It is only focused on the road view, so anything above or below the road will flat line. Tap the road to see a birds eye view.ย 

Learn all about it and more on the Activity page here.

Missing All Activity Data?

You have no activity data at all and have tapped the home page Eclipse animation to perform a manual refresh?

If so, the first step is to reset health permissions. Follow all the steps below in this exact order, especially steps 2 and 3 as we want to restart any background services running:

1. Go into the iPhone Settings app on your iPhone. Choose Privacy, Health. Press Eclipse and then press all categories off.

2. Power the iPhone off and on as per this link.ย  (i.e. Shut the iPhone down completely so that it restarts with theย  on screen).

3. Power the Watch off and on as per this link.

4. Now in iPhone Settings, Privacy, Health, Eclipse press all categories on. Make sure that all the switches are turned on for read and write.

5. Now go into Eclipse iPhone app and data should show. Tap the Eclipse icon on the home page to reload if required.

If still having issues, ensure you have passcode and wrist detection on:

Missing Only Some Activity Data?

Depending on what activity data you cannot see, this could be caused by a few different reasons.

The obvious reason for missing data is the Watch not collecting energy expenditure data. Did it go into low power mode? Is the passcode enabled? Is wrist detection on? Apple has lots of requirements to enable background heart rate measures, and these will stop the measures which means you get missing data in your day.

By default your Apple Watch will take automatic heart rate readings every 2-10 minutes during the day. However when exercising, you need to tell your Watch that you are doing a workout. This changes the heart rate monitoring mode to the high sampling rate, every 1-5 seconds, to get an accurate capture of the workout.

Put simply, the more you wear your Watch during the day avoiding the above restrictions like low power mode and you record all workouts, the better your data will be. Activity uses general energy expenditure along with workouts data, so try be consistent in your use to get better insights.

Sometimes people accidentally turn on the power saving mode for the Watch which disables heart rate capture. To fix:

When viewing the Activity Road to Success page, remember that the default day will be set to yesterday, as showing an incomplete day will only show part of the story. Swipe the graph to see today if required.

Be mindful that some 3rd party workout apps that sync to Health will only send a summary of the workout, like 1 heart rate measures per minute. If you are using a 3rd party app or device and you are only seeing parts of the data, for example, seeing distance but no calories, then this is most likely the case. We recommend using the Apple Watch to record workouts with the native Apple workouts app, or another reliable workout app like HeartWatch. This ensures you capture all required measures at the highest frequency rate.

What is the Quad Graph?

Quad graphs a unique way to see where your workout compares to your workouts of the same activity over the past 6 months. Put simply, the red dot is your workout session, white dots are past activities.ย 

Learn all about it and more on the Activity page here.

Adding Workouts

Eclipse Yourself will read any workouts that are stored in Apple Health.

The easiest way to do this is to start a workout directly from your Apple Watch. This will record a workout and will save the workout data to the Apple Health database. Always remember to end and save the workout.ย 

Be mindful that some 3rd party apps that sync to Health will only send a summary of the workout. If you are using a 3rd party device and you are only seeing parts of the data, for example, seeing distance but no calories, then this is most likely the case. We recommend using a reliable workout app like the native Apple Workouts app or HeartWatch app.

Remove/Edit a Workout

All workout data used by Eclipse is stored in the Apple Health app. It is not possible for Eclipse to remove, delete or edit this data, as it needs permissions which are not allowed. To manage the data you need to use the Apple Health app. Refer here for the official Apple support page in managing health data.

If you need to delete a workout, this is all done in the Apple Health app. Open the Health app, tap Browse, tap Activity, tap Workouts, tap into Show All Data, tap Edit, tap the workout you wish to delete and select 'Workout & Data'. Note that once deleted you cannot get this data back, so use with care.

What is Load & RPE?

Every workout in Eclipse will have a calculated load value, which is a great reference for quantifying the effort.

Part of this load calculation will be 'RPE', which stands for 'Rate of Perceived Exertion', or better described as asking you "how hard did the workout feel". There is no right or wrong answer, it's unique to you.

Eclipse will estimate the RPE based on your heart rate and activity type, or you can edit the RPE manually by going into the Inbox or workout details.

Recovery Questions

TIP: You need to track your sleep in order to see recovery data.

What is Peak Recovery?

Peak Recovery guides you to keep your Eclipse Recovery in balance. The higher your peak up the Recovery mountain, the better recovered you are!ย 

Learn all about it and more on the Recovery page here, or watch the video below to understand more:

What Sleep Metrics Are Used?

Recovery uses 6 key sleep metrics to determine your overall recovery rating, including sleep duration, fatigue (based on duration), heart rate bpm, heart rate variability (HRV), blood oxygen (SpO2) and respiration rate. Learn all about the metrics in detail on the Recovery page here.

What Sleep Tracking Apps Can I Use?

At present, you need an Apple Watch device with a choice of 2 sleep apps:

Make sure the configuration in the Eclipse Options tab under 'Configure my Eclipse' is set to the correct sleep app, as shown in the Options page here.ย 

By default, the Apple Sleep app is set when you first install Eclipse. The Apple Sleep app requires you to use Sleep Focus mode at bedtime and wake.

We will review adding other sleep sources in the future.

Should I Use the Apple Sleep App or AutoSleep?

The choice is up to you. However AutoSleep does let you configure asleep and awake times to better tailor to you if you are seeing differences, plus it allows naps. All other recovery metrics used are collected from the Watch sensors, as this is controlled by the Watch, not the app.

Whichever sleep app you prefer, remember to always use the sleep focus mode at bedtime, as this allows the extra metrics like blood oxygen to be captured by the Watch.

What About Naps?

If you are a regular napper, it is recommended to use the AutoSleep app as the sleep source, as AutoSleep will automatically capture naps greater than 30 minutes. If using the Apple Sleep app for naps, Apple state on their website that it will only record a sleep session if it is 4 hours or more (which isn't really a nap).

Naps in the day are automatically added to your sleep duration in the following day's recovery if using AutoSleep.

Why Is My Recovery Always Low?

If you are just starting out with a new Apple Watch and have not collected too much data, note that recovery use's a 6 month baseline from your own data, so the more data the better. We suggest at least 1 weeks sleep data minimum.

What you might like to do initially is see if your sleep goal is set to a realistic duration. In the app, tap on the Options tab and tap into 'Configure my Eclipse'. Find the sleep duration field and adjust to what you feel you need to be refreshed, you may need to reduce it if set too high. Tap Done when finished. The data will now update based on this goal.

What Is Sleep Fatigue?

Sleep Fatigue is your residual sleep duration, it gets better if you can string together consistent good night sleeps. So if you earn a positive credit fatigue it means you are consistently meeting your duration goal, if not then it will start to work against your overall recovery rating. Fatigue is scored from a weighted algorithm that looks at your short term sleep behaviour.

Recovery & Readiness Relationship?

The readiness sunrise reflects your ability to perform. The recovery peak reflects for how long, so the higher up the peak, the longer it takes to run out of energy.

Both recovery and readiness use sleep health metrics, but they provide different insights into your health.ย 

The easiest way to understand the relationship is that recovery has a direct focus on your sleep, showing how well or not your body shut down and recharged. Your Recovery Rating contributes to how long you feel good throughout the day.ย 

Readiness on the other hand is focused on the key metrics that contribute to your physical and mental state at wake time as you are about to start your day. Your Readiness Rating is an indicator to how good you feel.

For example, if readiness is good but recovery low, you feel good on wake, but it runs out quicker in the day, eg. in the afternoon. Of course your health history will play a role, but this is the simplest way to look at the connection between both.

Can I Use Eclipse As My Sleep App?

No. Eclipse Yourself is not a sleep monitoring app, it will be reading the data from the Apple Sleep app or the AutoSleep app.

Can I Adjust My Sleep Duration Goal?

Absolutely. Open Eclipse and go into the Options tab and tap on 'Configure my Eclipse'. Enter the duration that you feel is required to wake up refreshed. Tap 'Done' when finished. Any changes will update all data instantly.

How Do I Setup My Watch To Track Sleep

Step 1 - Download and Use a Sleep App

Eclipse gives you the option of using the Apple Sleep app or the AutoSleep app.

Step 2 - Configure the Sleep App

Make sure you set which sleep app you will be using by tapping on the Option tab on the Eclipse home page and go into 'Configure my Eclipse'. Under the Recovery section, select your sleep source and also set your sleep duration goal with the total time to feel refreshed.

Step 3 - Turn On 'Track Sleep with Watch'

The 'Track Sleep with Watch' setting needs to be enabled in order to collect various sleep metrics. Open the Watch app on your iPhone (it looks like a black icon of a Watch). Scroll down and tap on 'Sleep'. Make sure that 'Track Sleep with Apple Watch' is turned on.

Step 4 - Turn on Sleep Focus at Bedtime

Turning on Sleep Focus on your Watch is good practice so your Watch does not light up the screen and stops sending you notifications during the night and waking you. It is also essential for capturing background measures like respiration rate, SpO2 and wrist temperature. If you use the Apple sleep app, this is also required to track your sleep duration.

It is a very simple process to put your Watch into Sleep Focus mode. Here are the steps to enable sleep mode when you go to bed:

Here is the official Apple support link for using Focus on the Apple Watch.

Why Are Some Recovery Metrics Blank (- -)

Recovery uses 6 key metrics, but some require a newer Watch series. For example, SpO2 requires an Apple Watch Series 6 or above. Any metrics not captured will show as blank with "- -" inserted. These metrics are excluded from the calculation, so they will not impact the overall rating as they will be excluded. Eclipse will work with the data available.

If you have the required Apple Watch Series and the metric is still blank, you may need to check the setup details. Refer below for missing SpO2, missing HRV and missing respiration rate.

Missing Sleep Duration Data

Remember, you need to be using a sleep app to capture recovery data. Eclipse gives you the option of using the Apple Sleep app or the AutoSleep app. Eclipse can only report on the data from these apps, so make sure that the sleep app you are using successfully captured the sleep session.

Next, make sure the configuration option in Eclipse is set to the correct sleep app. The Apple Sleep app is the default app set, so only select AutoSleep if you already have the AutoSleep app installed or plan to use it.ย 

To check tap on the Options tab on the Eclipse home page and go into 'Configure my Eclipse'. Scroll down to Recovery and select the correct sleep source. Select 'Done' to save. Tap the Eclipse animation on the home page to reload the data.

The reason here is that your Watch isnโ€™t sending any data to the iPhone, or, the app no longer has permissions to read it. Eclipse can only report on items where it can see data in the Health app from the Apple Sleep app or the AutoSleep app. The points below are the common reasons for no sleep data:

1. Is bluetooth turned on? Some people accidentally turn it off. Itโ€™s easy to do.

2. Are either of the devices in flight mode?

3. Did the Watch go into low power mode (< 10% battery)? Low power mode will stop heart rate measures

4. Do you have a passcode on your Watch? This is required for background heart rate data. Important - this catches a lot of users out!

5. In Passcode in the Apple Watch settings app have you turned on Wrist Detection? This is required for background heart rate.

6. In Privacy in the Apple Watch settings app, both Heart Rate & Fitness Tracking need to be turned on.

7. Do you have a prominent wrist tattoo? The ink, pattern and saturation of some tattoos can block light from the sensor, this often prevents the background heart rate sensor from working.

8. You are using the Apple Sleep app and you have Sleep Schedules turned on. Sleep Schedules can cause all sorts of issues with your sleep data as it automatically turns itself on and off to disrupt the sleep session. We see this a lot from users over the weekends when they go to bed late or sleep in. We recommend turning off sleep schedules and manually turning sleep focus on at bedtime and off at wake. Alternatively, those with AutoSleep can change to this as the sleep source in the configuration settings.

Following the above checks, if all are ok then we have a health permissions issue. Apple iOS updates can cause havoc sometimes, so a reset of permissions is recommended. Follow all the steps below in this exact order, especially steps 2 and 3 as we want to restart any background services running:

1. Go into the iPhone Settings app on your iPhone. Choose Privacy, Health. Press Eclipse and then press all categories off.

2. Power the iPhone off and on as per this link.ย  (i.e. Shut the iPhone down completely so that it restarts with theย  on screen).

3. Power the Watch off and on as per this link.

4. Now in iPhone Settings, Privacy, Health, Eclipse press all categories on. Make sure that all the switches are turned on for read and write.

5. Now go into Eclipse iPhone app and data should show. Tap the Eclipse icon on the home page to reload if required.

Missing Sleeping HRV (Heart Rate Variability)

Your Apple Watch will automatically capture background HRV measures during the night. The Eclipse app has no control over the capture or the frequency of measures.

The most common reasons that the Apple Watch fails to record a Sleeping HRV measure is:

The Eclipse app reads any of these automated measures from the Apple Health data, so if there is no HRV data, then Eclipse can not report on it. When there is data, Eclipse is looking at your sleeping HRV as part of your overall recovery. This is where your sleeping app needs to successfully capture the sleep session and record the asleep and wake times into Health, as Eclipse will not be able to report on HRV measures if no sleep was recorded.

Sleeping HRV will be the average across all the automated measures while you sleep. You can view any HRV measures in the Health app by going to Browse, tap on Heart Rate and then into Heart Rate Variability. Tap on 'Show All Data' to see the recorded measures.

Missing Blood Oxygen (SpO2) Background Measurements

Only for those users with an Apple Watch Series 6 or above which allows SpO2 measurements.ย 

Missing Respiration Rate Measurements

Only for those users with an Apple Watch Series 3 or above which allows Respiration Rate measurements. Respiration is only measured while you sleep.

What If I Don't Wear My Watch To Sleep?

Not wearing the Watch means you miss out on valuable sleep metrics which dilute your overall recovery rating, so it is not recommended. However if you still want to track without wearing your Watch, as a workaround you can still collect an estimated sleep duration by using the AutoSleep app with iPhone motion enabled.ย 

Open the AutoSleep iPhone app and go to the Settings tab, then choose the Wizard option, on the second panel you will find the sleep method options to enable iPhone tracking. Go through the step by step Wizard and this will switch the tracking method. The sleep duration will then be recorded based on the time you last touched your iPhone at bedtime, and touched when you woke. Remember to place the iPhone on an uninterrupted flat surface during your sleep, as the tiniest of movements will be detected.

Delay in Recovery Data Showing?

This depends on how quickly the sleep app you used will sync the data to the Health app. Generally this is very quick. If you can see your sleep data in the Apple Health app or AutoSleep app, but it is blank in Eclipse, just tap on the middle Eclipse animation on the home page, this will perform a manual refresh.

Also note that if you are using the Apple Sleep app and you have Sleep Schedules turned on this may cause issues with missing values. Sleep Schedules can cause all sorts of issues with your sleep data. We recommend turning off sleep schedules and manually turning sleep focus on at bedtime and off at wake. Alternatively, those with AutoSleep can change to this as the sleep source in the configuration settings.

Readiness Questions

TIP: You need to track your sleep in order to see readiness data.

What is the Readiness Sunrise?

The Readiness Sunrise is focused on your physical and mental state, it guides you to keep your Eclipse Readiness in balance. The higher the sunrise, the better your readiness!

Learn all about it and more on the Readiness page here, or watch the video below to understand more:

What Readiness Metrics Are Used?

Readiness uses 3 key metrics to determine your overall rating, including your waking pulse (BPM), sleeping heart rate variability (HRV) or waking heart rate variability (HRV) and wrist temperature.ย 

Learn all about the metrics in detail on the Readiness page here.

Does Readiness Need Sleep Data?

Yes. All the metrics used in Readiness are collected while you sleep with your Apple Watch on. If you do not monitor your sleep, you will not be able to see any Readiness data.

At present, you need an Apple Watch device with a choice of 2 sleep apps:

We will look at adding additional sleep sources in the future.

Why Are Some Readiness Metrics Blank (- -)

Readiness uses 3 key metrics, but some require a newer Watch series. For example, temperature requires an Apple Watch Series 8 or Ultra. Any metrics not captured will show as blank with "- -" inserted. These metrics are excluded from the calculation, so they will not impact the overall rating as they will be excluded. Eclipse will work with the data available.

If you have the required Apple Watch Series and the metric is still blank, you may need to check the setup details. Refer below for missing waking pulse (bpm), missing wrist temperature or missing HRV.

Missing BPM (Waking Pulse bpm)

The most important thing is that you need to successfully capture a waking pulse, as Eclipse will not know your waking heart rate unless the Watch records a sleeping wake time. Eclipse gives you the choice of monitoring your sleep using the Apple Sleep app or the AutoSleep app.

Make sure the configuration option in Eclipse is set to the correct sleep app, to check tap on the Options tab and go into 'Configure my Eclipse'. Scroll down to Recovery and review the sleep source app selected.

The reason here is that your Watch isnโ€™t sending any data to the iPhone, or, the app no longer has permissions to read it. Eclipse can only report on items where it can see data in the Health app from the Apple Sleep app or the AutoSleep app, so make sure the sleep app is working correctly and recording the session. The points below are the common reasons for no sleep data, which means no waking pulse bpm:

1. Is bluetooth turned on? Some people accidentally turn it off. Itโ€™s easy to do.

2. Are either of the devices in flight mode?

3. Did the Watch go into low power mode (< 10% battery)? Low power mode will stop heart rate measures

4. Do you have a passcode on your Watch? This is required for background heart rate data. Important - this catches a lot of users out!

5. In Passcode in the Apple Watch settings app have you turned on Wrist Detection? This is required for background heart rate.

6. In Privacy in the Apple Watch settings app, both Heart Rate & Fitness Tracking need to be turned on.

7. Do you have a prominent wrist tattoo? The ink, pattern and saturation of some tattoos can block light from the sensor, this often prevents the background heart rate sensor from working.

8. You are using the Apple Sleep app and you have Sleep Schedules turned on. Sleep Schedules can cause all sorts of issues with your sleep data as it automatically turns itself on and off to disrupt the sleep session. We see this a lot from users over the weekends when they go to bed late or sleep in. We recommend turning off sleep schedules and manually turning sleep focus on at bedtime and off at wake. Alternatively, those with AutoSleep can change to this as the sleep source in the configuration settings.

Following the above checks, if all are ok then we have a health permissions issue. Apple iOS updates can cause havoc sometimes, so a reset of permissions is recommended. Follow all the steps below in this exact order, especially steps 2 and 3 as we want to restart any background services running:

1. Go into the iPhone Settings app on your iPhone. Choose Privacy, Health. Press Eclipse and then press all categories off.

2. Power the iPhone off and on as per this link.ย  (i.e. Shut the iPhone down completely so that it restarts with theย  on screen).

3. Power the Watch off and on as per this link.

4. Now in iPhone Settings, Privacy, Health, Eclipse press all categories on. Make sure that all the switches are turned on for read and write.

5. Now go into Eclipse iPhone app and data should show. Tap the Eclipse icon on the home page to reload if required.

Missing HRV (Heart Rate Variability)

Your Apple Watch will automatically capture background HRV measures during the night. The Eclipse app has no control over the capture or the frequency of measures.ย 

The most common reasons that the Apple Watch fails to record a HRV measure is:

The Eclipse app reads any of these automated measures from the Apple Health data, so if there is no HRV data, then Eclipse can not report on it. When there is data, Readiness is looking at your sleeping HRV and waking HRV as part of your overall recovery.ย 

This is where your sleeping app needs to successfully capture the sleep session and record the asleep and wake times into Health, as Eclipse will not be able to report on HRV measures if no sleep session was recorded. You can view any HRV measures in the Health app by going to Browse, tap on Heart Rate and then into Heart Rate Variability. Tap on 'Show All Data' to see the recorded measures.

Note you can use the mindfulness app on the Apple Watch, running a breathe app to manually record a HRV measure.

Readiness allows user configuration to use the sleeping average HRV or the waking HRV as part of the overall readiness. You can set this in the Options tab under 'Configure my Eclipse', scroll down to the Readiness section.

Using Sleeping HRV or Waking HRV

Eclipse gives you the choice to use Sleeping HRV or Waking HRV as part of your overall readiness rating. Sleeping is the average from all HRV values collected, while Waking HRV is the measure in your sleep waking window.ย 

By default, Sleeping HRV is setup when you first install the app. Sleeping HRV will be the average across all the automated measures while you sleep.ย 

To change, open the Eclipse app and tap on the Options tab and go into 'Configure my Eclipse', scroll down to the Readiness section to select .ย 

Both are great indicators, so consider which fits best into your morning routine. Note that sleeping HRV is the easier to capture as it requires no manual actions. We recommend only switching to Waking HRV if you are comfortable and consistent with using the breathe app in the Apple Mindfulness app on wake up.

Waking HRV will use the HRV from your waking window. Aside from the automated measures which may or may not record a HRV in the waking window (remember this is all controlled by the Apple Watch, not the app), there's a surprisingly easy and pleasant way to manually capture a Waking HRV.ย 

Upon waking after recording the sleep, do a 1 minute session using the Breathe app on your Apple Watch. This is found in the Mindfulness app on your Apple Watch. The best way is to set this up as a complication on your Watch face so it is easy to run when you wake.

When capturing Waking HRV consistency is everything. When you wake, keep the process similar each morning. For example, don't do any vigorous movement, just start the Breathe app session whilst lying down or sitting on your bed, close your eyes and relax. Don't move. Not only does this ensure maximal consistency of measurement, but it's also a nice way to start the day.

Missing Wrist Temperature Measurements

Wrist temperature is only available for users with an Apple Watch Series 8 or Ultra. Your Apple Watch will automatically capture temperature measures during the night. The Eclipse app has no control over the capture or the frequency of these measures, it is all controlled by the Watch.ย 

Wrist Temperature is only measured while you sleep, but you need to enable some settings for the Watch to capture it. These include:

Adjusting The Temperature Sensitivity

Eclipse gives you the option between Normal and Sensitive. Open Eclipse and go into the Options tab and tap on 'Configure my Eclipse'. under the Readiness section enter the temperature sensitivity that you feel is better suited. Tap 'Done' when finished. Any changes will update all data instantly.ย 

Learn more about temperature on the Readiness page here.

Readiness & Recovery Relationship?

The readiness sunrise reflects your ability to perform. The recovery peak reflects for how long, so the higher up the peak, the longer it takes to run out of energy.

Both recovery and readiness use sleep health metrics, but they provide different insights into your health.ย 

The easiest way to understand the relationship is that recovery has a direct focus on your sleep, showing how well or not your body shut down and recharged. Your Recovery Rating contributes to how long you feel good throughout the day.ย 

Readiness on the other hand is focused on the key metrics that contribute to your physical and mental state at wake time as you are about to start your day. Your Readiness Rating is an indicator to how good you feel.

For example, if readiness is good but recovery low, you feel good on wake, but it runs out quicker in the day, eg. in the afternoon. Of course your health history will play a role, but this is the simplest way to look at the connection between both.

Today Page Questions

Using the Today Page

When you wake in the morning or during the day, the Today page on Eclipse Yourself is the best place to get all the information you need at a glance. The below video highlights all the key functions for the Today page:

Typical Daily Use

To help new users get up to speed with Eclipse Yourself, the video below shows a view from a typical user in how they use the app each day to keep their Eclipse in balance. There is no right or wrong way as it all depends on your objectives, but this offers a little taste in my daily routine:

How Do I Improve My Activity, Recovery & Readiness

How Do I Improve My Activity Rating?

Activity is unique to each individual, but understanding how your activity is progressing is important to your health. Eclipse Yourself will personalise to your activity level, it makes no difference what level you are starting from.

When you exercise, your body adapts to become stronger, fitter and healthier. But striking a happy balance with your activity can often be tricky. We see lots of apps focus on the workout only, but not a lot show a simple visual to answer the question on where and how your overall activity is travelling, like answering a simple question: โ€œAm I getting fitter?โ€ This is where the โ€™Activity Road to Successโ€™ comes in.

Activity is looking at your energy expenditure over the past 7 days against your 28 day trend. In summary, how are you tracking in the short term against your long term average. So if you use more calories over the last 7 days compared to your longer term baseline, you will start to see the Activity gauge go higher, the same applies if you start to do less and the Activity gauge will drop.


Eclipse Yourself visualiseโ€™s your activity journey as a road. The road is your personalised optimal zone and is split into 2 lanes, like a car on a freeway with an overtaking fast lane, and a maintain lane. When the red dot is in the upper fast lane, you are getting fitter with increased effort. When the red dot is in the bottom lane, you are maintaining your status quo. If you come off the bottom of the road you are under training, and if you come off the top above the road you are over-reaching and doing too much (also shown as extreme).


Staying on the road is your target, this is the ideal zone for staying healthy in your activity, but it is also shown to provide improved performance outcomes, along with a much lower injury rate (research shows up to 20% less injury risk). If you follow the road closely, as you increase your activity over time, your body starts to adapt to a higher workload. The Road will reflect this change and start to widen and push up the screen based on this adaptation. In short, the more consistent your activity with gradual increases of effort over a sustained period, the road will reward you by becoming bigger, increasing your optimal zones and making it harder to come off the road.


Tap into the Activity gauge and follow the progress of the red dotted line on the road. You will see it starting to rise or fall if you are taking it easier during the week or going harder, but again it is using your data. So wearing the Watch is important so it can collect as much data as possible.

How Do I Improve My Recovery Rating?

Your Recovery is made up of key sleep metrics that combine together to give an overall rating. All these health metrics can be discussed with your doctor. The below breaks up the metrics used and provides some common tips on how to improve.

Improving Sleep Duration:

A lack of sleep over time can lead to health problems, it plays a critical part in your Eclipse Recovery rating.

Firstly, be sure that your sleep duration goal is setup accurately with the amount of sleep you feel you need to be refreshed. This is set up in the Options tab under 'Configure my Eclipse'. This goal has a significant impact on your recovery rating, so it is important to make sure it is correct. Suggestions on how to improve:

Improving Fatigue:

This one is simple, get more sleep. Go to bed earlier when possible and sleep longer. Do this consistently over a full week (or more) and you will see your fatigue debt start to increase towards a credit.

Improving BPM (Sleeping Heart Rate):

Throughout your sleep the heartbeat can vary according to your bodyโ€™s physical needs. A goods nightโ€™s sleep decreases the work of your heart, however this is individual and dependant on health and external factors. Suggestions on how to improve:

Improving HRV (Sleeping HRV):

If you are finding a downward trend in your HRV, itโ€™s a sign of your autonomic nervous system responding to stress and other fatigue related factors. Obviously there are things outside your control, such as your age lowering your HRV over time, but there are evidence based solutions to improve your HRV:

Improving SpO2 (Blood Oxygen):

SpO2 is unique to each person and their medical history, living at altitude, etc. The common research to improve your SpO2 includes:


Improving Respiration Rate:

This is your breathing while sleeping and there are ways to improve your respiration. Some common techniques include:ย 

How Do I Improve My Readiness Rating?

Readiness is made of three health metrics including waking pulse, Heart Rate Variability (you have a choice of using sleeping HRV or waking HRV) and Temperature (taken from your wrist but requires a newer Apple Watch).

Improving Waking Pulse (bpm):

Waking pulse is the gold standard measure for your resting heart rate first thing in the morning. So the lower the better. The Harvard Health report by doing these four things you can start to lower your resting heart rate and also help maintain a healthy heart:

Improving HRV (Waking or Sleeping HRV):

Note that Eclipse lets you select between your Sleeping HRV or Waking HRV to use as part of the Readiness algorithm. This is set in the Options tab under 'Configure my Eclipse'.ย 

Both are fantastic readiness indicators, however if you select Waking HRV, we recommend turning on Afib History to increase the sample rate of the HRV measures, or routinely use the breathe app (found in the Mindfulness app) on your Apple Watch on wake up.

Obviously there are things outside your control, such as your age lowering your HRV over time, but there are evidence based solutions to improve your HRV:

Improving Temperature:

Eclipse Yourself will only record a below par value where it records a change of 0.5 degrees celsius variance, which is a clear sign that the body is battling an illness. If you have sensitive body temperature, we have an option in Configurations that lets you change to 0.25 degrees celsius variance. But again, unless your temperature changes by this variance, no weighting is added to your overall readiness rating.

Your core temperature naturally falls in preparation for sleep. But if you help that along, it will be easier for you to fall asleep more quickly and deeply. The common recommendation for a good ambient temperature for sleeping should be around 18.3 degrees celsius (64.9 degrees Fahrenheit). The end goal isnโ€™t to feel cold but to lower your core temperature (your bodyโ€™s internal temperature). Additional to this, evidence shows that taking a bath or shower in the hours before bed can help your body temperature decrease in preparation for sleep.ย 

Sharing Data Questions

TIP: Requires the 'Eclipse Yourself + Share' subscription

What is + Share?

Eclipse Share allows secure sharing of activity, recovery and readiness data with other approved Eclipse users. The most typical use is between families, friends, workplaces, squads and sporting groups.

Sharing is part of the 'Eclipse Yourself + Share' subscription. This subscription is required to allow sharing.

Learn more in the Sharing page, or watch the video below to understand more:

What is Different in + Share?

Sharing is not required for individuals monitoring just their own Eclipse. It contains all the same functionality but allows the sharing of data between approved users. In short, don't buy something you do not need.

If you do have a need for sharing, we suggest reviewing the Sharing page, as it is quite a comprehensive sharing platform.

Do All Users Sharing Need an Apple Watch?

Yes. Eclipse is built for use with the Apple Watch, so all users require an Apple Watch.

Do All Users Sharing Need the + Share Subscription

Yes. All users you wish to share with or view data require an active 'Eclipse Yourself + Share' subscription.

Can I Purchase + Share Subscriptions On Behalf of My Group

We understand some groups or squads may like to purchase a bulk of subscriptions and distribute to other users. Just contact us via the app if you have questions around this scenario and we can try assist.

Can I Free Trial + Share

While a free trial is available on the Eclipse Yourself app for individuals, due to the requirement of sharing data with other users, a free trial is not really possible.ย 

BUT, we have the perfect solution to help you experience 'Eclipse Yourself + Share' for free to help make an informed decision. Plus it has no time restrictions!

As long as you have an active subscription (or are on a free trial), you can access the Share tab to see your own data. On the Eclipse home page, simply tap the 'Shared' tab in the bottom panel. You will see a single athlete card which is you. Apply different filters, views and groups to experience the module. Tap on the card and dive into all the functions.ย 

How Much Data Can I See in + Share?

You can access a maximum of 6 months of the most recent activity, recovery and readiness data for any linked shared users.ย 

Adding A Shared User

Adding shared users so that you can view their data requires the person who owns the data to send you a share request. For example, a coach wanting to add an athlete to their share view requires the athlete to send the coach a share request.ย 

A share request is sent from the Options tab under 'Share my Eclipse'. Make sure you select the button 'Share with More People' and only send with Message or Mail.

Full instructions and setup requirements like iCloud settings can be found in the Share Setup page, or watch the video below to understand more:

An Error Occurred Using Messages

If you see try to send a share link using the Messages option and a message pops up saying "An Error Occurred - Unable to start collaboration", this means that you have iCloud turned off for Messages.

Access the iCloud settings by opening the Settings app on your iPhone. Tap into your profile name at the top and then into the 'iCloud' menu option. Under the 'Apps Using iCloud' section tap on 'Show All' and you will see the Messages switch that needs to be set to 'On'. See below.

Can I Invite Users to Share?

Yes. In the Options tab in the Eclipse app you will see a menu item called 'Invite to Share'. This will pre-generate a message that can be sent to contacts. Remember the person who owns the data is in control of who they share with, so the invite helps them with some instructions on how to send a share request.ย 

Refer to the Invite page to see the steps. Full instructions can also be found in the Share page.

Removing A User I Shared My Data With

To remove a shared user that you previously sent a share request to. For example, you were an athlete on a team and had previously sent an Eclipse share request to the coach, but you have changed teams and want to remove the coach from seeing your data.

To remove go into the Eclipseย  the Options tab under 'Share my Eclipse'. Tap the name of the person who has an active share to see your data, and select 'Remove Access'.

Full instructions can be found in the Share page.

Can I Hide My Data From Shared Users

Users have the ability to set sharing permissions for their data, as you may not want to share everything with your shared users. For example, you have sent a share request to a friend but you want to hide your activity data.ย 

The sharing permissions include:

You can do this in 'Setup my Profile' under the Options tab. It is important to note that any data you hide will be hidden for all shared users. You can not apply the settings to individual users, it is a global setting for all users you have shared data with.

Full instructions can be found in the Options page under 'Setup my Profile'.

Can I Use App Store Family Sharing

Yes. All subscriptions in Eclipse Yourself are set to Family Sharing, so you purchase a subscription and share with any family members that you have setup in Family Sharing.

Refer to the Subscriptions and Payments section below for steps on setting up.

I Am Getting an iCloudKit Error

Are you seeing an error called "iCloudKit Error. Fetch shared zones account temporarily unavailable due to bad or missing auth token". This is usually a result of iCloud having updated terms and conditions that you need to accept. Open the Settings app on your iPhone and you should see a message to accept the terms.

General Questions

What About Flight Mode, Bluetooth or My iPhone Being Off

Can I Use Low Power Mode?

Be aware that using low power mode on your Apple Watch will turn off background heart measures, heart rate notifications and blood oxygen readings among other things. Try avoid low power mode where possible for accurate tracking during the day and night.

Do I Need An Apple Watch?

For the complete experience and functions of the app, Eclipse Yourself was built and designed for the Apple Watch.

Widgets & Complications Not Updating?

Remember that for things like recovery, the sleep data needs to process on the iPhone before it can be displayed. Usually opening the Apple Sleep or AutoSleep app will manually force a refresh.

If you turned on Low Power Mode on the iPhone or Watch, this will also stop any updates.

Lastly, a setting called 'Background App Refresh' is required for updates. On the iPhone go into Settings, General and Background App Refresh. Next, go into the Apple Watch app on your iPhone (it is a black Watch icon), go into General and Bakground App Refresh.

How Is It Different to AutoSleep and HeartWatch?

Once you start using Eclipse Yourself you will understand. AutoSleep is dedicated to just sleep, it is designed to give you everything you need to know about your sleep. Likewise HeartWatch is focused on the heart, with information tailored to monitoring your heart health. Both these products integrate beautifully with Eclipse Yourself, but Eclipse gives you the full picture.

In short, Eclipse Yourself is much more holistic. The aim of the app is to empower users to understand their individual health journey by monitoring 3 core health pillars of activity, recovery and readiness. Eclipse Yourself combines all this health data together in one visual, as the true value in health monitoring is understanding your balance at a glance.

Eclipse uses visual themes with an Activty Road to Success to keep your fitness on track. A Recovery Peak to show the higher you climb the better you recover. A Readiness Sunrise to monitor your mental and physical stress. Plus an Orbit view that lets you understand the relationship between the these health themes. Users can dive into the detail or even share their data with other users via a dashboard.

We find all apps compliment each other perfectly. There are times where I want that extra information from AutoSleep, or I need to understand my sedentary heart rate in HeartWatch. But Eclipse acts as that over-arching app that brings all this, plus more, together in an "eclipse" visual of my total health.

It is the app we have always wanted to release to users following years of use hidden to only professional sports. If you like AutoSleep and HeartWatch, we are confident you will love Eclipse Yourself. Refer to the Eclipse page for more information.

Where Do I Enter Weight and Height?

When setup your profile with your name and image, Eclipse Yourself will also bring in your current weight and height.

Weight and height will pull from the most recent values stored in Apple Health. To enter, open the Health app, go into the Browse tab, go into Body Measurements, tap into Weight and Height and you can enter using the 'Add Data' link in the top right corner.

Some users have automated health sync from scales, or use an app like HeartWatch to speak the weight into the Watch. Whatever is used, Eclipse Yourself will show the most current.

Data Questions

On First Use, Will Eclipse Load My Historical Data?

Yes. Provided health permissions are enabled, Eclipse will load up to 6 months of historical data that is stored in the Apple Health app.

Is 6 Months The Maximum Data To View?

Yes. 6 months is currently the maximum allowed due to balancing the time period of data most important, while not impacting performance. Eclipse uses 6 month baselines across a range of metrics.

Do You Store My Health Data?

Eclipse does not collect and transfer data. We allow users to store key information in their personal Apple Health app and iCloud account. We have no access to anyone's personal iCloud account nor Health data. Please refer to the Privacy Policy and User Terms for more information.

Subscriptions, Payments & Cancellations

How Do Subscriptions Work?

When you subscribe to Eclipse Yourself, you manage and pay for the subscription through the Apple App Store. Eclipse cannot see or collect your personal information. All transactions are handled by the Apple App Store.

You will be billed in advance on a recurring and periodic basis by Apple. The frequency is set to either a monthly or annual basis, depending on the type of subscription plan you select when purchasing a subscription.

Difference Between 'Eclipse Yourself' and 'Eclipse Yourself + Share' Subscriptions?

The only difference is that 'Eclipse Yourself + Share' allows you to share and view data from other users who are also on the 'Eclipse Yourself + Share' subscription. This is the only difference. All other functionality is the same.ย 

Eclipse Yourself + Share has been designed for sports, organisations and squads who have a need to share and monitor data amongst multiple users. If you do not require to share data, then we recommend staying on the 'Eclipse Yourself' subscription.

How Do Free Trials Work?

You may start with a free trial for a limited period of time, to explore the app functionality. Free trials do not include the Share functions, but everything else is included. You can only use one free trial period. Once the free trial period expires, you will automatically switch to a subscription and your Apple Account ID will be billed.

You may cancel your free trial at any time, in which case your trial will still be valid for the time you have remaining. To avoid being billed, you must cancel at least 24 hours before the free trial expiry date. This is an Apple App Store requirement, we have no control over this expiry time period with billings. If you wish to cancel the free trial, refer to cancelling below.

How Do Auto-Renewals Work?

At the end of your nominated each billing cycle, your subscription will automatically renew at the end of each term and you will be charged through your Apple ID account, unless you cancelled at least 24 hours before the term expiry date. This is an Apple App Store requirement, we have no control over this expiry time period with billings. You can turn off auto-renew at any time from your App Store account settings.

How Do I Cancel?

You may at any time cancel your subscription, in which case your subscription will still be valid for the time you have already paid for, including the free trial period. To avoid being billed for another period, you must cancel at least 24 hours before the subscription or free trial expiry date. This is an Apple App Store requirement, we have no control over this expiry time period with billings.

You can only cancel your subscription through your own Apple Account on your device. We have no access or visibility to users Apple ID Account information. Only users can cancel their own subscription.

To manage your subscriptions, tap into the Settings app on your iPhone, tap into your Apple ID Account (it is located at the top of screen with your name), and you will see a Subscriptions menu option, tap into this to see details on each active subscription. Tap the subscription and you will see a Cancel Subscription option.

Once cancelled and the subscription time has passed, you will not be able to access the app. You may renew your subscription at any time to access the app again.

Here is the official Apple Support link on cancelling a subscription.

What about Refunds?

All payments and refunds are handled by Apple and can only be refunded by Apple and with Appleโ€™s consent. All ongoing payment matters are handled by Apple.ย 

Eclipse has no access or visibility to users Apple ID Account information or payment history and cannot issue a refund. It is 100% handled by the Apple App Store. Only the subscribing user can apply directly to Apple for a refund, we cannot do this on your behalf.

Here is the official Apple Support link on requesting a refund.

Also ensure that you cancel all active auto-renewing subscriptions associated with your Apple ID Account account if you wish to cancel the subscription. Only users can do this, we cannot do this on your behalf. See Cancelling Subscriptions above for this.

Can I Use App Store Family Sharing

Yes. All subscriptions in Eclipse Yourself are set to Family Sharing, so you purchase a subscription and share with any family members that you have setup in Family Sharing.ย 

Family sharing is all controlled by Apple, we have no access or control over family sharing. Developers just tick the box to enable it.

How to Install Using Family Sharing:

If you are still having trouble finding the family sharing content, Apple have an official support page here with things to check. If this does not help, you will need to contact Apple Support.