What is the Inbox

The Inbox lets you add extra context to your Eclipse in the form of:

The Inbox is found in the top right corner of the Eclipse home page. It is optional and can be switched off (refer to Hiding the Inbox below for instructions).

Inbox Number

The Inbox will show a number based on any uncompleted tasks, it acts like a reminder. This will show on the Eclipse home page and also on the iPhone Eclipse app logo.

A daily wellness survey that has not been entered for the day will add "1". Any workouts from the current day and yesterday will also each add a "1". These tasks will all add together as a number on the Inbox icon (see below I have 3 inbox entries to complete, this is made up of 2 workouts + 1 daily wellness entry = 3).ย 

Once you use the Inbox on a workout to add additional context, or complete the daily wellness survey, it will reduce the number from the list.

Inbox - Daily Wellness Survey

Each day the Inbox gives you the option to enter a Wellness Survey, which lets you add additional context around how you are feeling today.ย 

Tags are used as a reflection for any items that you feel impacted your most recent sleep, such as eating late before bed last night. It can be entered from anytime once you wake up and added to as the day continues.

Tip: if you do have to remove the app and reinstall at any time, before removing make sure you have iCloud on for Eclipse, as this is where the tag history is stored. You can check by opening the Settings app on your iPhone, going into iCloud and under 'Apps Using iCloud' find Eclipse.

Adding Tags

Tags are fantastic for quickly and easily adding context to the wellness survey. You will notice a default list to get you started, but you can add custom tags:

Tags are customisable by the user, so you can build a list of regulars to select from, as the tags will repeat with the current list. Have as few or many tags as you like, but try keep them short to work best. See some examples below:

Tip: tags are designed to be information sources that can chop and change as you like. You cannot edit a tag name once stored. Also, deleting a tag using the trash bin icon will remove the tag and its historical records. A warning message will appear to confirm the delete before actioning it.

Injury and Illness Tags

If on the Wellness Survey you select an injury or illness, they will show on all the activity, recovery, readiness and orbit graphs.

They show at the top of the graph as a little block for that specific day. Also note that the text 'injury/illness' will also appear below the date and title. See below and example on the Orbit graph, the line of yellow blocks at the top indicate a long running injury.

Wellness Report

Wellness survey notes and tags will show in the Profile Details view which is handy if you are using the Share functionality for monitoring other users. For individual users, you can view your current and historical wellness survey entries via the Orbit screen, as seen below:

Inbox - Post Workouts

Once you finish a workout the Inbox lets you add additional information to that session, such as what training type it was like strength or aerobic, or rating the intensity of the exercise. It is completely optional but is a great feature for adding extra insights to your workouts.

The Inbox will look at your Health data to see if any workouts have been recorded from the current day and yesterday. Tap on any entry to add additional information. Once completed, it will remove from the list.

Workouts Entry

Once you select a workout from the list you will be presented with a range of questions. Questions vary depending on the type of activity. Tap any question to see a list of values. Only when the form has been completed will the 'Done' button appear to save the entry. Some key points to note on this screen:

Training Category

When you start a workout using the Apple Watch, you will select the type of activity, such as running or cycling. However there is a lot more information we can uncover by adding a category to better reflect the training. For example, was that running activity to build endurance, was it repeated sprints, was it match prep and so on.

Training Category shows some default options to get you started, but you can scroll to the bottom of the list to add any new customised options. See below I have setup new categories for Cardio Burn, FTP and Beep Test. Any option you select will also show at the top in recent selections.

Primary Load Type

A valuable question to better breakdown your training load and volume, just select one option that best describes why you did the workout. Options include:

RPE - Workout Intensity

RPE stands for 'Rate of Perceived Exertion', which in simple terms is asking you to rate how hard the session felt between 0 (rest) and 10 (max effort) . There is no right or wrong answer, it's unique to you, as some training days you feel great and others not so. Eclipse uses a background formula to estimate the RPE and will pre-fill this in, but just tap into the question to edit.

With the RPE value assigned, Eclipse can calculate the internal Load of the workout. Load is used by lots of professional sporting organisations the world over to monitor fitness and fatigue, it is a great indicator for anyone who exercises a little or a lot.

Load represents your response to exercising, quantified by the intensity and duration of each workout you perform. This validated formula uses the RPE score x Duration (mins) to give you Load, so a 30min run with an RPE of 2 would be 60 load units.

Refer to the Activity page to learn more about tracking your Load with the Load gauge.

Edit Post Workout Entries

Go directly into the workout details to edit a post workout inbox entry. Tap on the notepad icon in the top right corner and this will open the inbox entry. This method can also be used for populating historical entries if you select a past workout.

Manual Workouts

Maybe you forgot to start a workout on your Watch or you might be playing in a competition and not allowed to wear it. Never fear. You can use Manual Workouts in Eclipse to add the workout entry after the event.

Using the Metabolic Equivalent of Task (MET) formula, Eclipse Yourself will estimate the energy expenditure based on the activity type, intensity and duration.

Tip - if you need to delete a workout, this is all done in the Apple Health app. Open the Health app, tap Browse, tap Activity, tap Workouts, tap into Show All Data, tap Edit, tap the workout you wish to delete and select 'Workout & Data'

Inbox Insights

If used regularly, you can get valuable insights from the extra context added using the post workout entries. These entries will be used in various insights in the Activity Eclipse, including pie charts and graphs.

From the home Eclipse page, tap on the Activity gauge to see the below insights.

Insights - Pie Charts & Bar Graphs

Training Category, Primary Load Type and Surface Type are all reflected in the Activity Pie Charts and Bar Graphs.ย 

Each display a percentage (%) breakup of all your activity types over 7 days and 28 days.

Insights - RPE & Load

RPE that comes from the post workout entry is reflected in the Load value (RPE x Duration). This Load value is assigned to each workout.

The Load mini-gauge on the Activity Road will also graph your training load over time. This insight is used in sport for monitoring training levels, but is just as useful for anyone who exercises regularly.

Insights - Injury Flag

Any entry that is flagged as an injury will show on the workout.

The Activity Road will also show a yellow dot (๐ŸŸก) on the day an injury was noted in the inbox.

Hiding the Inbox

Should you decide that you do not want to see the Inbox post workout questions and/or the wellness survey, you can turn off in the Eclipse Configuration page. This will remove the Inbox icon if both options are hidden.

Here are the steps to hide:

Hiding Post Workout Entry

Hiding Daily Wellness Entry

How To Video

Sometimes its easier to watch and learn. Refer to the videos below to understand more about inbox. Or view the entire collection on the Videos page.