Using Eclipse + Share
Eclipse + Share allows secure sharing of activity, recovery and readiness data with other approved Eclipse users. The most typical use is between families, friends, workplaces, squads and sporting groups.
*Sharing is part of the 'Eclipse Yourself + Share' subscription.
To use + Share, contact our support on but please remember to type the word 'Eclipse' in the subject line and explain in detail as much as possible, it helps us to help you :)
Quick Start in Sharing
If you are looking to quickly share data with another user, for example, a coach. Refer to the Setup Sharing page here which is a detailed step by step instructions on how to share data with another user.
Otherwise continue below for a detailed explanation.
Before Starting with + Share
Please take the time to review these 3 points before starting with Eclipse Share:
(1) All Users Need the + Share Subscription
Sharing is only available to users with an active 'Eclipse Yourself + Share' subscription. This can be activated at any time from within the app under the Help tab. If you are not on the + Share subscription option, you cannot access the sharing functionality. There is currently no free trial option for sharing, but you can experience it by tapping on your own profile from the Share tab.
(2) Do I Need to Share My Data?
Sharing is not required for individuals monitoring just their own Eclipse. In short, don't buy something you do not need.
Sharing contains all the same functionality in the individual app, but allows the sharing of data between users. It has been designed for a specific purpose, to allow the monitoring of users activity, recovery and readiness data remotely with your iPhone or iPad. The most typical use for sharing is between sporting groups, squads, families, friends and workplaces.
(3) Who Can I Share With?
Sharing has been designed for users who know each other. It works similar to the way you can currently share your Apple Watch activity rings data with other known Apple Watch users. But it is up to you to decide who you share with.
The users you would like to share with require an Apple Watch to capture data. Users you wish to share with also require the Eclipse Yourself app with an active + Share subscription to enable the share.
iPad view of a shared user's activity
Can I Free Trial + Share?
While a free trial is available on the Eclipse Yourself app for individuals, due to the requirement of sharing data with other users, a free trial is not really possible.ย
BUT, we have the perfect solution to help you experience 'Eclipse Yourself + Share' for free to help make an informed decision. Plus it has no time restrictions!
As long as you have an active subscription (or are on a free trial), you can access the Share tab to see your own data. On the Eclipse home page, simply tap the 'Shared' tab in the bottom panel. You will see a single athlete card which is you (just like Becky Smith below).
Apply different filters, views and groups to experience the module. Tap on the card and dive into all the functions.ย
All the data types, graphs and up to 6 months of activity, recovery and readiness data that you see for yourself, is what is available once shared users are linked.
Profile, Configuration & iCloud Setup
Before you start sharing, make sure your profile and configuration options are in tip top shape. You also require some available iCloud storage and iCloud Drive to be on.
Setup Your Profile
On the home screen (which shows an Eclipse image), tap on the tab called โOptionsโ
Go into โSetup my Profileโ
Enter your Full Name (note a first and second name must be entered) and nickname (or shortened name)
Insert an image of yourself. Select 'Done' when finished
Sharing Privacy Options
Data sharing options are available in the 'Setup my Profile' page. You will always see your own personal data, but you can elect what you wish to share or hide with other approved users if using the Eclipse Share function.
These sharing privacy options only apply to users you have approved for sharing. If you wish to remove access permanently to a shared user, refer to the 'Removing Shared People' section below.
Any of these settings apply globally to all shared users, that is, you cannot elect individual settings for specific shared users.
Share Activity - this includes all your activity and workout information. Tap the (- +) button to share or hide.
Share Recovery & Readiness - Eclipse never show's specific bedtime or awake times, but if you want to hide the sleep data summaries and metrics, tap the (- +) button to share or hide.
Share Age - this is your age in years which is stored in the Apple Health app, no date of birth is ever shown. Tap the (- +) button to share or hide your age in years.
Share Height & Weight - your weight and height is stored in the Apple Health app. Tap the (- +) button to share or hide.
Note: if a function was previously shared with another approved user but than you decided to not share it, it will be applied the next time the user updates their Eclipse Share. Also refer to 'Removing Users' below
Configuration Options
On the home screen (which shows an Eclipse image), tap on the tab called โOptionsโ
Tap on โConfigure my Eclipseโ
Review the options but pay attention to the Recovery section. Enter the sleep duration to feel refreshed and change to AutoSleep app if you use that as a sleep app, otherwise leave as the Apple Sleep app. Select 'Done' when finished.
iCloud Setup
All users require some available iCloud storage and iCloud Drive to be set to on, as Sharing uses the Apple iCloud services to securely share data. For you and others to successfully share data, you require the following:
iCloud account with available storage. Eclipse requires very little iCloud storage, but this depends on the size of your shared group. In short, some iCloud storage is required.
iCloud Drive needs to be ON (see below)
TIP: you can access the above iCloud settings by opening the Settings app on your iPhone. Tap into your profile name at the top and then into the 'iCloud' menu option.
Refer to the Setup Sharing page here which is a detailed step by step instructions on how to share data with another user.
Adding, Removing & Managing Shared Data
Only you can control your data.
Only you can share your data with another user. Nobody else can do this for you.
We cannot see or access any of your data. It is your responsibility to manage your shared users by adding and removing as required.
In summary, the main points when sharing data to remember are:
Only you can share your data by sending a share invite. Follow the steps below for 'Adding Shared People'.ย
Only you can remove access at any time. Follow the steps below for 'Removing Shared People'.
Sharing permissions can be customised, this can hide data from approved shared users. Follow the steps above in 'Setup my Profile'.
Nobody else can see or do the above points for you. It is all linked to your iCloud ID and Apple ID that only you can access.
Adding Shared People
Provided you have an active 'Eclipse Yourself + Share' subscription, you can share your data with other users by sending them an Eclipse share link. Note that the other person you are seeking to share with requires an installed Eclipse Yourself app plus an active sharing subscription.
To start sharing follow these steps closely, especially the '+ Share with More People' and 'Messages/Mail' option:
On the home screen (which shows an Eclipse image), tap on the tab called โOptionsโ
Tap on โShare my Eclipseโ
Review the message panel which explains all the important information about sharing data. Press 'Ok' when ready
Tap on the link '+ Share With More People' (see below image in the bright yellow box)
IMPORTANT: Only use the 'Messages' or 'Mail' option to send the share link (see below image in the yellow box). This creates a private link to the user. Never use social platforms like Whatsapp to send links.
IMPORTANT: Avoid the 'Copy Link' option as this will not create a useable share link (see below):
If you do receive a 'Copy Link', the below message titled 'Item Unavailable' will appear when you tap the share link, as iCloud will not create the private link to another iCloud account (see error message image below). If you see this message, the user needs to follow the steps above by selecting '+ Share With More People' and to resend using 'Messages' or 'Mail'.
Once you successfully send a share link via the Messages or Mail option, the name will appear in the list of shared users.ย
The share will only apply once the user opens the link you sent. If you see the term 'Invited' under their name, this means you have sent the link, but the user has not opened the link yet. Once accepted, the 'Invited' term will disappear and the shared user will see the following share accepted message:
An Error Occurred Using Messages
If you see try to send a share link using the Messages option and a message pops up saying "An Error Occurred - Unable to start collaboration", this means that you have iCloud turned off for Messages.
Access the iCloud settings by opening the Settings app on your iPhone. Tap into your profile name at the top and then into the 'iCloud' menu option. Under the 'Apps Using iCloud' section tap on 'Show All' and you will see the Messages switch that needs to be set to 'On'. See below.
Inviting Others to Eclipse
As seen above, sharing data is the responsibility of the owner of the data to share with others. However to save some time in asking users to share their data with you, in the Options tab is a menu item called 'Invite to Eclipse'. This will generate a new message in your Messenges that you can send to users. It contains some links for new users or existing users to follow.
In interested, you can read the instructions here on the invite page.
TIP: we understand some organisations purchase on behalf of a larger group, for example, a squad of athletes. If this is your scenario, contact us via the app.
Removing Shared People
To remove previously invited people from seeing your Eclipse data, follow these steps:
On the home screen (which shows an Eclipse image), tap on the tab called โOptionsโ
Tap on โShare my Eclipseโ
You will see the Sharing Information Panel, tap OK
You will see a list of people that have share access to your data
Select the person and tap 'Remove Access'. This will stop any future updates from this point. It will also notify the person when they next use Eclipse that sharing has stopped
If you want to remove access to everyone on your list at once rather than individuals, select 'Stop Sharing' on the main panel (see image below).
Share Options & Privacy
Sharing uses Apple iCloud services to securely share data. Only secure Apple iCloud servers are used to store and send data. Eclipse does not send your data to any external servers owned by us or third parties. As Eclipse is using the Apple iCloud services for sharing, all options and functions you see are part of the iCloud framework.
Share Options
Under the list of names showing which people you are sharing with, is a link called 'Share Options'. We recommend this be left as is, as the default setup is the most private.
The default sharing mode is set to 'Only Invited People' with 'Can Make Changes'. This means that only the specific people you invite to share using Messages or Mail can access your Eclipse data. 'Can Make Changes' does not mean that people can interfere or edit your data, as the app does not allow this, it is viewing only.
You can, at your discretion, change the share option to a public link by changing to 'Anyone with the link', but this is not recommended. If you do change the sharing option, all existing share links with people may be removed. The '+ Share with more People' button will also disappear.
Eclipse User Story
Sent to us from the heart of the Australian Capital, Canberra, a group of dedicated working fathers, armed with Apple Watches & Eclipse Yourself, defy the chill of early mornings to embrace a healthy routine - integrated with data sharing!ย
They call themselves: The Burpee Bandits
"Our morning sessions are not just about physical exertion, it's a mental and emotional recharge" said Jackson.
"Using the dashboards in Eclipse like the one below from today, means we each feel responsible for not just own own fitness, but the collective wellbeing of the group."ย
"Plus, it's funny seeing a dad walk in at 5am after only 3 hours of sleep in Eclipse, so after a good laugh you know they will need that extra motivation to make it through the session!"
Viewing Shared Profiles
Provided you have an active subscription for sharing and have successfully accepted share requests from other users, you can start viewing their data.
Eclipse Sharing can be used on both your iPhone and iPad. Both contain the same information, however the iPad provides additional real estate to see more people and data in the one screen (see 'Viewing iPad' section below for samples).
Using the iPhone or iPad, Eclipse Share is accessed from the Eclipse home page, by tapping on the 'Shared' tab in the bottom panel (see images below).
iPhone Shared Tab
iPad Shared Tab
TIP: when you open the Shared View, an automatic sync will be performed every hour to see if there is any new data from your shared users. Alternatively, you can always perform a manual refresh using the refresh arrow in the top right corner.
A profile card will be displayed for each user that is sharing their Eclipse with you. Some key things to note:
You can instantly see a users Eclipse balance from looking at their profile picture. For example, if the blue Eclipse circle is showing, this means that their recovery is out of balance. It is a great way to monitor with just a glance.ย
If any of the cards show in a grey shade, this means that the user has not used Eclipse in over 24 hours.
Flip the iPhone or iPad horizontally to expand the view (see below)
Tap on any shared user card to open the Profile View for that user. For any shared user, you can view all the same activity, recovery and readiness data that you can see for your own individual profile. This includes up to 6 months of data.
Scroll down the shared Profile View to see recent information like their peak recovery from last nights sleep, or drill into a workout they completed 5 minutes ago.
Tap into any of the activity, recovery or readiness gauges to monitor trends and progress for the shared user.
TIP: A Wellness Report shows on each profile. This information comes from the Inbox Daily Wellness Survey that is optional for users (found on the Eclipse home page). Any flagged injuries or illness will also show as how many days ago.
Viewing Shared Data
Provided the shared user gives permissions, you can view up to 6 months of activity, recovery and readiness data. You can also view a shared users Orbit to see trends.
Viewing Activity Data
From the shared users profile page, tap on the Activity gauge or a recent workout. View the Activity Road to Success or drill into any workout that has been recently synced to get all the insights on that session. Refer to the Activity page to learn more.
Viewing Recovery Data
From the shared users profile page, tap on the Recovery gauge for insights into the shared users sleep. Designed with privacy in mind, sleep insights are focused on totals, we do not report on actual to bed times and wakeup times. Refer to the Recovery page to understand more.
Viewing Readiness Data
From the shared users profile page, tap on the Readiness gauge for insights into the shared users physical and mental readiness. Don't forget to tap the '7D Trend' gauge to apply a rolling 7 day average to get even more context on impactful changes. Refer to the Readiness page to learn more.
Viewing Orbit Data
On any shared profile page, at the bottom you can view the daily and 7 day Orbit. This compares the activity, recovery and readiness in the one graph, so you can identify any associated trends. Refer to the Orbit page for more.
Refreshing Data
When you open the Shared page, Eclipse Yourself will automatically look for any recent data across all of your shared users. The text 'Processing' will appear and may take between 1-10 seconds depending on the number and volume of data.
TIP: Users need to open their Eclipse to let the app read and process all the new data they have collected on their Apple Watch. This will also allow iCloud to perform a sync so that your data can be updated with shared users. If shared users do not open their Eclipse occasionally, other approved shared users will not be able to see their Eclipse data.
Using Filters & Views
At the bottom of the Shared Cards view is a pull-up banner that contains different filters and views. Tap and hold your finger on the banner and drag up or down to expand or hide.
TIP: you can combine multiple filters and views together, for example, sort by least recovered but show me the activity view.
Options include:
SORT - this lets you sort the order of the cards by last updated, activity levels, etc. Tap on the button to sort by the opposite way.
VIEW - provides a different card view to the default profile, such as focusing on activity, recovery, etc. Views such as TopList and Trio also provide all 3 eclipse circles in the one view.
FILTER - will only show cards that match the filter selected. Options include:ย
Balanced will show anyone with their Eclipse in balance;ย
Easing will show anyone easing up on their activity;ย
Pushing will show anyone pushing hard on their activity;ย
Tired will show anyone not in recovery balance;ย
Sluggish will show anyone not in readiness balance;ย
Injury will show anyone who flagged a minor or major injury today;ย
Illness will show anyone who flagged a minor or major illness today,ย
Tags will show anyone who applied tags from the daily wellness survey;ย
Notes will show anyone who typed in text notes from the daily wellness survey.
GROUP - will filter the list by any groups you have added to profiles (more on this below)
TIP: if you notice an additional icon on the card, such as a little green comments icon in the image below, this acts as a quick reference. In this case, the user has entered some notes in the Daily Wellness Survey.
Setting Up Groups
You can easily setup customised groups and assign shared users to one or more groups. This helps users who may have a large number of shared users, to better manage and monitor. For example, you want to split a group of 40 athletes into a 25 attackers group and 15 defenders group.
From the Shared Cards view, tap into any profile card, scroll to the bottom and you will see a button called 'Add to a group' as shown below:
Type in a group name in the add field and select done. This will create a new Group that can be added to any shared profile. Setup multiple groups and tick one or more to assign to this user. In the example below, I am assigning the group called 'Basketball Group' to the shared user.
Any groups that I setup are available as filters. As seen below, I am looking at the 'Basketball Group' and also applying a 'Tired' filter, so I can easily filter to just basketballer's who are not fully recovered - easy!
TIP: Groups are only applicable to your Eclipse, groups cannot be seen or used outside of your Eclipse, so any groups you setup are only seen by you.
iPad Viewing
Sharing is great on the iPhone, but it is best viewed from the iPad due to the extra real estate!
The iPad shows an amazing profile view
Flip the iPad horizontally to see even longer trends
Fit up to 30 cards on the iPad screen, great for filters and views
Individual workout sessions in detail
Change Views to focus on what matters most
Viewing Past Data
You can view up to 6 months of data for each shared user.
When looking at a shared users profile page, tap into any of the gauges for activity, recovery and readiness. Swipe your finger across the graphs to look at historical data.
An export to csv file is also available for shared users. Refer to the Exports page for more information.
How To Video
Sometimes its easier to watch and learn. Refer to the videos below to understand more about sharing your data and using the share dashboard. Or view the entire collection on the Videos page.